Sunday, October 11, 2009


If anyone asks me am I a Facebook addict.. I would say ‘yes I am..’ without any hesitation cz it’s true. I’m a FB fan and normally I spend quite a time in FB on daily basis and I’m one of those people who strongly disagree to the fact that it’s a time waste. Why? Because whether it is a waste of time or not, it can only depend on how YOU do it. Simply… it’s YOUR call.

If you do something for too long, and you forget all your other important duties, then you can say it’s a time waste and a good for nothing thing. But if you have the balance between your duties, tasks or whatsoever and the things you do to keep you happy, then there’s no harm of doing it.

I just wanted to share some thoughts of mine with you guys cz I have a few questions in my mind hearing the things people talk about FB. A few days back, I heard a girl asking a friend, ‘I don’t want anyone saving any of the photos in my profile. Is there a way to do it?’.. Upon hearing this, the first thought which crossed my mind was, why would someone add their photos to their profile in the first place, if they don’t want the others to see them?? Strange, isn’t it?

There are so many small games available in FB now. Most of you are playing at least one of them, am I right? Even I used to play Barn Buddy and I only stopped it after reaching the #1 rank in my list. I know most people blame these little games and they think they are so childish. I only have one thing to say about it. You had a hard day, you come home, open FB, play one of these ‘silly’ games and then you find your stress is gone! The ‘silly’ games can do you so much good. Then again, the control is yours. The limit is yours.

One more thing I noticed is, some people don’t like when they get comments in their photos. I’ve heard some people saying that. Again I wonder.. you publish your photos in a social network and when you get comments you get upset?? Hehe… It’s obvious. Another thing. It’s your birthday and you have so many people writing in your wall. You say ‘My wall is full and I hate it!’. So… You can remove your birthday from your personal info? It’s not that hard. You get all these FB notifications to your mail. Is that annoying? Well.. If someone complains, there’s a setting in FB for e-mail notifications. If you don’t want your name to appear in FB search, if you don’t want others to see your profile picture when unknown people finds you in search… if you don’t want to get messages from strangers… you can always go to your FB settings and do it. It’s too easy to complain. But it’s easier to avoid the things you complain about. See?

I located so many long lost friends through FB. I’m so happy about it. You get updates about your friends in regular basis. It’s way too better than a phone call happening in weeks. I switched to FB from Hi5 sometime back cz FB is way too better than Hi5. There’s MySpace and Twitter also. I’m still not on Twitter, since most of my friends are in FB. So… I love FB.

One more time. Whether you waste time on it or not, is totally up to you. The control is entirely yours, because YOU are the ruler of YOUR own world. Cheers to FB!


Shamal said...

I'm also a Facebook addict and it's far better than Myspace and Hi5 simply because of the high level of privacy it provides. Myspace and hi5 doesn't offer that much of control over your data. So I prefer FB to myspace.

Well, Twitter is low in features and it's not that exciting if you don't have a long list of followers. So I'm not on to it yet.

And to be honest, I'm playing Barn buddy these days and it's kinda cool... your posts inspired me to play it... ;)
(still a beginner at level 9 though) it's not that childish mind you... sorry to criticize it earlier. he he he...

Anonymous said...

Hehe... It's not so bad, isn't it, bro?? ;)

Shamal said...

yes. not bad at all. But my friends keep on stealing from me. I don't think the doggy is doing a good job at protecting the farm... wish there was something like a 'lion','dinosaur' or a 'rattle-snake' to protect it. :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah me too like to visit FB and leave comment to my cool friends post...Most of them think FB is like gossip place and time wasting place..I dnt think.. As u mentioned every work that we are doing must have to have limitation other than that it makes us trouble or boring.. Hmm U stop barn buddy. ;(. Ayyo wy?? If u really think it as boring its okk.. bt its nice ..even bz of ur previous blog, one ur fb buddy who argue with us too by saying it as silly game nw is playing it according to his comment. :D .. Anyway FB is nice place to inter connected with our best friends day to day update.