Friday, May 29, 2009


It’s June again, the wedding month. Being invited to 7 weddings and Home Comings, I was sort of lost on how to attend all of them and what to wear. I’m running out of sareers to wear. Now.. It’s a big problem. You can’t wear a saree you wore once or twice to all the weddings in the queue. Why? People will notice…! Hehe.. :D

I’m not so much of a saree fan, but this time, I had to do something. So… as a starter, I went to the Main Street in Pettah this week with a friend of mine and bought a good looking saree. It was a bit expensive one, to be honest. When I came home and showed it to my mom, she was happy about how it looked… but NOT about the price. She was complaining how much I spend on weddings..!! It’s true in a way, but I snapped saying that I can’t wear the same 2-3 sarees to all the weddings. I went to bed in a grumpy mood, telling her that it’s my money and not to complain about it.

The next day, I went to work and came back as usual. My parents came to pick me up. My mom.. She took me to a shop, and bought me a very nice looking saree… telling me it’s for me and to take it as an early birthday gift. I was caught by surprise, so… I couldn’t tell anything. Yesterday she was complaining and now.. she’s buying me a saree..
Well.. That’s how moms are…. In the end, they always want to give us what we like.. They want to see us happy. It’s a small incident. But it left me with something to think about…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yheah.. really oh gosh..Mom is like that… even she find bug in our selections.. if she feel, she make us unhappy .. at last she get our side. Bt most of time dad dn’t find any wrong in our choice bt if he tell its not match to u or ur selection is something like that exactly it is.. one day really that selection make us worry or bad feeling.. ok… since ur blog called “Mothers”… if u dnt my shall I keep mail that I love ab mom. “When I came home in the rain, Brother asked why didn't you take an umbrella. Sister advised, Why didn't you wait till rain stopped. Father angrily warned, only after getting cold, you will realize. But Mother, while drying my hair, said, stupid rain! Couldn't it wait, Till my child came home? That's MOM”