Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today, I woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning. Well.. That will be ‘normal’ for me, 7 days a week for 2 years! I had a tired week at work. My partner in crime in the office is down with viral flu. So I had to go through a hard time, as we started the first round of testing for a brand new Internet Booking Engine. In average case, I would stay late on Friday… watch a movie.. and of coz.. I would listen to some good music. But yesterday, I had to sit by my study table and ‘study’ for an assessment on today. Oh gosh! I’m back with books, pens, pencils, papers and time tables! Back in the University, jeez! The people at home still can’t understand why the hell I am voluntarily ‘sacrificing’ my weekends and ‘putting myself in trouble with studying’ all over again.. Lol…!!

I was sitting in the train at 6.10 A.M, studying the previous week’s lecture notes. Red nosed with a gruesome cold and sleepy eyes.. oh… here I am, studying! I looked out from the window and the sun was just coming out of the hiding. The train passed so many waking-up trees and they all looked so cheerful. On a usual Saturday, I should be still sleeping and dreaming something weird! Well.. I was thinking about the rush I have to be in for the next two years. I will have to sacrifice my weekends. I will have to limit going around the country for a long time. I’ll lose my sleep in big time. Why all this? It’s just that, to gain something greater to our life, we have to sacrifice certain things. I already miss weekends... sniff sniff.. It’s a big deal to me. But then again.. this is the right time for studies. Once an opportunity is gone… it’s gone. So.. I just don’t want to live my life and think someday, ‘I would’ve done this at this time’. But I have to pay some price… In this case… weekends and a few hours of the week to study…

Sooo.. Here I am. Back to pens, pencils and books! Economics, Management, Statistics and Market value Analysis. New stuff! Let’s just do this and see..!! Lol..

1 comment:

ridz aziz said...

hahaha...same goes to me..this is life,kemali...sometimes we can't get what actually we dreamed of..sacrify for'nothing'...agreed with your expressions..but what else we can do..just go on,go on n go on to survive right??...