Saturday, August 15, 2009


It’s been a while the girl on the move (being me) has been away from her blog. Well.. I’ve been busy with carrom and was so much in to it, and I couldn’t find a quality time to sit, settle and write something good, I guess. I’ve been thinking about a lot of things in the past few weeks and I couldn’t help thinking about this certain fact, that I’m gonna share with you guys today. Just give it a thought and maybe you guys will be able to make a difference in your lives as well.

Life is always like a range of mountains. There’s a climb.. and then again, there’s a slope. Sometimes the climbs are higher; you have to try harder to get to the top. Sometimes it’s smooth and you just don’t have to put any effort at all to get to the top. The same goes with the slopes. There are steep slopes and yet again, there are smooth ones. You just have to be extra careful on steeper ones.

What’s bad in all of us is we always see life as a hard climb. We never tend to see the easy slope after a climb. More often, we give up hopes in life, when something bad comes our way. It gets worse when a series of unfortunate events comes our way in a queue. Most of us give in, when bad things happen. And moreover, we’re never satisfied with what we have with us, don’t you agree?

Yesterday, I took a piece of paper, divided it into two columns and wrote down what are the good things in my life and what are the things I miss in my life. Some of the good things I managed to list down: I have a home to call my own… Have a good family background and very supportive parents who have respectable jobs. Got a brother who’s learning to be a doctor and a sister who’s learning to be an architect. Got my education from a good school. I’m a graduate… Got a job with a satisfactory salary. Have loads of good friends to be by my side in good and bad…Loved by many… Lucky enough to learn and do most of the things I love to do.. Things I miss in y life: The things I’ll learn some day and fill out the rest of the list :D

People.. when you’re going through a bad time, it doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck there forever. God repays you with better things later on. Sometimes fate will get you out of your bad time. But sometimes, even fate needs some help from you. You have to stand up and you should try to push yourself up from the bad situation. Trust me. It works. It worked for me.. and still is working for me. Just that you need to have a little bit of faith in you… plus, you have to trust yourself. As long as you don’t try, you’re in that black hole forever. You need a distraction. Just try to be involved in something you like. Read.. watch a movie… play a musical instrument… listen to some music.. make new friends.. adopt a pet… go out and have fun with friends… Whatever! Just don’t be alone and float in the ocean of tears and sorrow! Pull yourself out of it.

Easier said than done? That’s because we don’t try enough, friends. I’ve learn that this life is not so bad after all. It’s not like a huge carnival, true. But it’s not like a dark empty abyss either. Whether you like it or not, we have to live this life. For the short time you live, do yourself a favor by enjoying your life to the fullest. Life can be defined as an echo too. If you give out love, life gives you back love. The same goes with everything as well. If you really love to do something, just do it. There was a time I was so obsessed with guitar music and I loved listening to those who play them. Then again.. it’s something I really love.. and I started learning it. It’s much more fun that way. I used to stare at how my mom used to knit beautiful things and how they come out like magic. For some time, I used to watch her creativity and then, I wanted to learn it. Now, I can knit as good as my mom. You never know whether you can do it or not, without actually trying it.

My friends… Life is short. Do the things you love to do. Start learning the things you always wanted to do. Maybe they are crazy things or desires like learning bungee jumping or sky diving. YET they’re the things you love to do. So.. give it a try. Life is far more interesting if you do them your way, rather than sitting and watching other people doing the things they love to do. Cheers..!!


wAsAnA said...

FINALLY.. u v come to ur senses.. i Thnk.. :P .. true wt u say.. n gald if nyone can live upto their expectations n standards.. doubt that ny1 ever wil 100% bt yea.. upto some extent.. yes they wil.. n All da best for ur transformation.. for how long .. ?? i wil wait n c.. :D

Anonymous said...

Yap Kem,, we knw ..U ♥ and genius carrom.. I just remembered u explained ab ur tournament and ur nice team.. I wish u could win final..ok well even u all are lost final u met nice team .. so no doubt u are in happy.. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh yaa cheers!! Really one another nice blog..u true..I like last few words.. Every one need to faced situation even it is bad or good bt always tries to gain that really love and ..Try to do things make u happy.