I’m going through the darkest days in my life, and even for a single moment, I just can’t come out of this pain. You love someone unconditionally.. and you get that love back.. shown unconditionally… but told as conditional. Take you over the moon with so much love.. hope…. Happiness.. and the next moment, you’re down in the ground. How painful can it be?
Just because the other person doesn’t love you the same way don’t mean that you can’t love them the way you want. So many memories… so much love…. and when I held that hand, we promised each other not to let go. I didn’t want to. Not even now.. cz no matter what happened. ( Well… I needed to EDIT my post, upon someone’s comments, the someone being the person relevant to this post ) No. It was unconditional. Now the air is gone… and my blood has gone cold, and I live like a zombie.
If someone says they love you so very much, no matter what happens, they’ll never leave you. That lesson, I learned well. If they really love you and want you, they’ll just ignore everything else and.. they’ll just have you. The truth is… they don’t try hard enough. What does it mean, I wonder? I’ve seen this in my life, and now only I have realized it.
When you love somebody, no matter what happens.. they can’t just go away from your life….. They just live in your heart till the day you die. Things will never be the same again, ever. ( Removed the rest )
And there it goes… in the picture. It’s me and my teddy. It’s special, I’d say.. ( Edited )
Bottom line : You can never hate somebody you loved so much.
I have no idea of what has happened to you but I would like to post a meaningful line here. One of my friends(it's a female friend) at university(did I mention that I'm doing Bio Science at Colombo uni?) told these words and I thought of posting it here after reading what you have written.
"never cry for someone else in life... because for the one whom you cry, doesn't deserve your tears... And the one who deserves will never let you cry!"
Yeah…Kem... I too agree with u..it should be unconditional.. and it must be built up with understandability.. Anyway don’t worry or regret wt was happened in past.. If you gave your hundred percent in a relationship, you don’t keep doubting if the other person has given their hundred percent ne. So u can sleep peacefully. “ Life is short , Break the rules , forgive quickly , laugh constantly And never stop smiling.. Life is not always the party we expected to be”.. Bt definitely u will be find wt u expected. No doubt…. So be happyyy…
Hmm.. Ok.. Dj.. i m not going to gv u a LECTURE abt Love or wt dz lv do to a person..cz we ALL @least onz in our lives go tro the same heartachz.. hapynz ..joy etc etc... BUT in diffrnt wayz.. i do admit that i admire ur lv for this .. hmm.. sm1.. n hw u holding all da pain n sadnes he has put u tro.. jst rembt Lv.. u DONT OWE nyone nythng.. ..No explanations.. no excusez n specialy NO tears.. My bestest gal inda world..u r a great gal.. n u wil remain that way.. he was such a fool n unlky to let u go n hurt u lyk this..cz LOVE like urs is very rare to find.. and i doubt tht thr ever wil be such love.. i dnt need to explain any of this..cz u alredy knw these.. ! .. Jst rembr.. the ones who hurt u alwys cm bk to u for forgvnez.. n whn that day comes.. hmm.... u l realiz that TABLE hz turned.. :)
Love Konga !
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